This utility is in "alpha" development stage and will remain there.
Disabling its sounds (a ding played when a crash is prevented) can prevent crashes that this plugin may cause by halting Oblivion's main code for a short while.
Try to stabilize your setup before adding this, especially since it covers up problems that may otherwise be treatable.
Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System (WeOCPS) by Windom Earle.
If, for some reason, Fast Exit does not work in a particular setup, this mod serves exactly the same purpose.
does NOT require Pluggy (or pressing extra buttons).
Aphrodite's mods are extra fixes beyond changing the cell fog setting. Note: The Unofficial Oblivion Patch also contains the original NVIDIA Black Screen Fix's changes, but the Bashed Patch catches more cells than the regular Black Screen Fix, including those added by mods.
right-click on plugin option (modifies original plugins).
Cleans up dead actors and old, invalid records in your save file.
Unofficial Official Mods Patches (UOMPs) v15 by Quarn and Kivan.
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch (USIP) v1.4.0 by Quarn and Kivan.
You should get this one too, and install it on top of the UOP.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch Supplemental by Arthmoor.
(Wrye Bash) Remove the "C.Water" tag from the UOP.
Unofficial Oblivion Patch (UOP) v3.2.0 by Quarn and Kivan.